Heidon Metal


Q. How much royalties will I receive as an NFT holder?
10% of this album’s revenue will be distributed equally among all NFT holders, and for the upcoming album it’ll be 5% of its revenue

Q. Where can I see the updated sales figures?
I’ll share it from time to time on this blog, most likely on a quarterly basis

Q. In what currency will I receive the royalties in?
It’ll be cryptocurrencies only, mainly Monero (XMR) due to its ability for low cost transfers and ensuring the privacy of both merchant and client. If you have never setup an XMR wallet, you can check the instructions from https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/ to see the full list available for download.

Q. When will I receive my share of royalties?
Within the 1st seven days of each calendar year

Q. By purchasing the NFT, what kind of discounts do I get?
For future album releases, you can get 10% off the listed price

Q. If I post Heidon's songs on my tik tok, youtube etc channel, will I be asked to take them down?
Nope, especially for NFT owners who are considered owners of the songs but remember…only the NFT holders get the royalties and discounts off the upcoming albums